Welcome to "Dava-Juli Pte Ltd stands as a Fast-growing venture in the sea cargo transportation" Dava-Juli Pte Ltd Dava-Juli Pte Ltd headquartered in Singapore and offices in Istanbul, Seoul, Tokyo and Dhaka. Bulk Carrier ship DAVA PTE LTD provides the core experience that fuels the joint venture in Collaboration with in this endeavor with Juli New Energy CO. PTE. LTD. Joint Venture Company The joint venture company has been actively and meticulously navigating the market landscape, prioritizing client satisfaction. Dava-Juli Pte Ltd Well-prepared to address the challenges presented by the dynamically expanding global market.
A B O U T   U S

D A V A – J U L I   P T E   L T D.

Dava-Juli Pte Ltd stands as a fast-growing venture in the sea cargo transportation, emerging from the established foundation of its root company, DAVA PTE LTD, headquartered in Singapore and offices in Istanbul, Seoul, Tokyo and Dhaka.

“We are the fast-growing venture in the sea cargo transportation.”


Our vision is to be one of the active transportation companies in Asia Region.


Our mission is to establish the safest mode of cargo transportation worldwide.


T Y P E   O F   S E A   T R A N S P O R T   &   S E R V I C E S

We globally transport a variety of cargoes by sea, customizing routes to meet our clients’ needs.

O U R   L O G I S T I C S   S E R V I C E S

W H Y   U S ?

Our business model focuses on cargo with a strong emphasis on professional operations. We guarantee our clients that their cargoes and vessels are handled with expertise and care. Our logistics services involve determining the ideal vessel size for efficient transport from the origin port to the destination, ensuring swift vessel turnaround. We offer safe and sustainable transportation solutions through modern fleets and highly trained crew and officers.

O U R   C L I E N T S

We have built up a close relationship with various clients around the world providing them the top-quality products sourced from transportation solutions. We perform to carry about 1.3 million tons coal cargo annually.

Years of Experience
Carry Coal/Yearly
Positive Feedback
Total Ship

F E E D B A C K    F O R M

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